Our Heritage Health Plan
We all know that regular vet checks (allowing early detection of any underlying health problems) and keeping your pet up to date with vaccinations and parasite prevention is the best way to ensure your pet keeps in tip top condition. This alongside good quality nutrition, plenty of exercise and mental stimulation makes for a healthy happy pet.
Heritage Vets are here to guide you through the most appropriate plan for vaccines and parasite treatments for your pet. We will risk assess them based on their lifestyle, diet, activity levels, life stage, travel and homelife; enabling us to create a preventative health care plan that will provide the routine treatments that every pet should have to keep them healthy.
The Heritage Health Plan (HHP) is a subscription service for your pet covering all aspects of routine healthcare. The HHP means that you will benefit from discounts on vaccinations (and/or serology testing), flea and worm prevention, nail clips, anal gland emptying and six monthly health checks by our vets. We also offer discounts on neutering and dentistry for pets on the HHP. Clinics with our amazing nurses are also included.
Will our pet health plan really save you money?
In short, yes! The average cat or dog will save around £100 per year based on vaccinations and parasite prevention alone. Add in nurse consultations, neutering and dentistry discounts and there’s a lot of savings to be made.
We recommend yearly vaccinations for all pets and regular parasite prevention based on their lifestyle, all of which are included in the plan. A six monthly health check allows us to perform a clinical examination and take a history ensuring your pet is healthy, an ideal weight and answer any of your questions relating to the well being of your pet.
The more frequently we examine your pet, the more we get to know them and their ‘normal’ and the more likely it will be that we can spot early warning signs of disease, instigating treatment before symptoms become advanced. A regular health check also means your pet becomes more relaxed with each visit allowing them to have a positive association with visiting Heritage Vets. Our wonderful nurses will even provide socialisation visits for those pets that need more time to settle in the clinic. This makes for a better experience all round, plus the heritage Vets team get their regular dose pf pet therapy!
Puppies and kittens will be seen monthly by our nurses for the first six months and will benefit from this early socialisation as they grow. This too is covered by the HHP. Should your pet require ongoing medication for a chronic condition, we must see them every six months in order to continue to prescribe their treatments. A six monthly health check is also included in the plan.
Heritage Health Plan not for you? No problem.
We understand that some clients prefer to ‘pay as you go’ and this is not a problem! If you would rather not use preventative health care for your pet, the HHP is unlikely to provide you with much financial benefit. We will still recommend that your pet has regular health checks with a vet so we can ensure they are in great general health and we can discuss all the options for their preventative health care should it be required in the future.